Sunday, April 8, 2012


Tonight's show is no longer at the 6TH STREET HAUS in LBC. It's now at THE SPOT in El Sereno. It also now starts at 4. Spread the word and I hope to see you all there. Last nights show, by the way, was really great. All the bands tore it up, and they only left 2 footprints on the ceiling. Sweet! I won't post up a Koopa life lesson today, since I'm in such a rush! But, I promise tomorrow a life lesson and maybe a cool band demo...


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Who hurt you Joey? You have been hurt...

So I'm stuck here, bored at work. Don't really got much to do, and I'll be out soon enough, but that time ain't comin' fast enough! If you know me, you should know that I love THE RAMONES! They're the best EVER! I don't care if you think they sounded burnt out towards the end, I think they're amazing and everything they touched turns to music gold. I just saw Rock N Roll High School last night, for the first time. INSTANT CLASSIC! Why? Cuz THE RAMONES are in it!! Whoever had the idea of making a whole movie revolving a bunch of kids just day dreaming of THE RAMONES is a fucking genius! Plus, you get exploding rock and/or roll mice! Sweet! Anyways, I'm not going anywhere with this. Everyone should just be reminded to make sure to go to the CRASH PAD this Saturday and the 6TH STREET HAUS IN LBC on Sunday. Check out SYSTEMATIK on tour from Canada. Cool people, raw music (but you should know that already, right?).

My good friend Koopa (AKA Koopapa) often has little life lessons he likes to say when things look grim. You may know Koopa from KRUEL/ASPEX/FUKKR SS/HELPLESS/GENERACION SUICIDA (Dayumm Gina!!!)You should know he's a real cool guy and I'm proud to present his life lessons for all to read. I'll try to post one up with every post that I put up. Without further ado, I present to you, Koopa's life lessons:

"Things have to be covered in shit before they can grow into a beautiful flower"...Life lesson #46

Wise beyond his years? I think so...

-Tony Boi